A C C O N C I  A.  D.  MUR  ·   Passport - english version | german version

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date/time/location: from 03.07.2003 -- 00:30 (daily)
Acconci.Main square

executive authority: Theater im Bahnhof
responsibility: H. Kšpping

When the island goes to sleep. What remains from the day. Associative flow, stories, dreams. true/invented. The island as a night-radio radiating to the riverbanks, the nearby bridge and the grand-stand seats, music out of the tin. A presenter announcing the music titles once in a while.

Slowness, weariness, serenity. The lulling talks have, as a whole, the comfort of a joint narration. From the excitement and secrecy of exchanging tales at school-outings to the transition to the half-conscious, the undirected, incrompehensible. A contribution to the mythology of the island. Duration: until everyone has fallen asleep. Blankets and sardines for the audience. For once, the audience does not sleep. At least not only.

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date/time/location: 06.07.2003 -- 20:15
Acconci.Main square

executive authority: Theater im Bahnhof and
The Original Fidele Schlagerband

title: WEDDING
responsibility: the families

Red on the calendar: The Sunday. Relatives, churchyard, formula 1, Frucade. Acconci on the Mur observes its Sunday with a wedding. At a time of partners for just a period of life and of patchwork families, the safety state gives a signal of confidence, and celebrates a feast of love and commitment. Instead of insecurity in relationships, a certainty until death does us part granted by the state. A gorgeous feast. A ravishing band. We are especially delighted that this music group plays for us at our wedding. Die Original Fidele Schlagerband.

From the press report: "... for many years they have been observing intolerance, people living with blinkers and self-complacency. This unconsciously triggers musical euphoria within us. A life for the hit-tune. An entertainment for all who have remained young."

Players: M. Kienzl (voc), F. W. Reischl (keys), F.Schalk (bass), M. Všlker (Styrian accordion), native instruments battery@logic (drums) - all of them genuine Western Styrians.